
Brave app for mac
Brave app for mac

brave app for mac

We can, for example, use tools such as VPNs, but if we don't need them we can use anonymous search engines that do not collect browsing data. But also, we can add our grain of sand so that our lives are even more private. One of the premises on which they always launch their devices and on which they have been the protagonists of many news. Privacy It is one of the pillars of Apple. For example Brave, the private browser that now it is compatible with the Mac M1. We can for example use a VPN but if we do not want to complicate our lives too much or do not need so much control, we can use search engines and browsers that focus on privacy. Yes, we are talking about Safari, but on certain occasions we may need another one to be able to navigate in an even more secure way through the networks.

Brave app for mac