


The US government mobilised plans to make these donations almost impossible, thereby strangling the website’s ability to stay in operation. In effect, Wikileaks was - and still is - dependent on donations to stay afloat. One of the group's most far-reaching campaigns was the attack launched against PayPal, VISA and Mastercard ( Operation Avenge Assange) in response to the leash that was hung around the neck of Wikileaks.

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Most attacks will consist of entirely different individuals who could even be working toward their own individual ends. It's important to note however, that due to Anonmyous being entirely decentralised, there's no specific 'leadership' spearheading these campaigns. Since then, the mysterious group has launched numerous attacks on the websites of government departments, politicians, multi-nationals, the Church of Scientology, and hundreds of ISIS Twitter accounts (to name but a few). We could all work together as a crowd - united - we could rise and fight against oppression.” In his first interview since becoming an FBI informant, former Anonymous member Hector Monsegur explains “Anonymous is an idea. It was in this video that the group’s would-be tagline was uttered for the first time. The collective has been known to the public since 2008 when it released a YouTube video (above) setting the tone for what was to come. This is an underground, international network of nigh-anarchistic ‘hacktivists’ which sprung from 4Chan, the controversial image-based bulletin board. By far the most notorious and well-publicised hacker group is Anonymous.
